During his tenure, President Saeed Mohamed Ahmed has implemented numerous initiatives to modernize and improve the university. He has implemented different achievements including hosting the cultural week, the beginning of construction of Gollis University Campus which is underway, the expansion of academic programs, and the recruitment of top-tier faculty members.

Under his leadership, Gollis University has also forged partnerships with leading international institutions, like last night event where the University was representing Somaliland by hosting delegates from South Africa, fostering collaboration and exchange opportunities for Jigjiga university and Gollis, where internship students are being deployed at Jigjiga university referral hospital.

President Saeed’s vision and dedication have propelled Gollis University to new heights, earning reputation as a leading institution of higher learning with rapid improvement in excellence in the last months of this academic year.

President Saeed’s transformative leadership is in pursuit exactly with the remarkable vision of the founding father, general President and the selfless, philanthrofic owner of Gollis Universities, DR. SAEED AHMED HASSAN, a patriotic, heroic, visionary educationist Somalilander who had set his foot on Somaliland after decades in abroad and dared to found a University from the scratch before 19 years, which became the Gollis University we are talking about! It was Dr. Saeed Ahmed Hassan whose brainchild- Gollis University – had produced more than 10,000 students who are today the engineers, doctors, business managers, accountants, lawyers, criminal investigators, trainers and teachers of this emerging Republic of Somaliland.

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